Information About the Reeves & Ewing Family
The genealogy services collect information about the Reeves and Ewing family. Since many people share those last names, let me define them further for you. These families are the ones who have been situated in Southern Kentucky for many years, in the Warren County (Bowling Green) and Allen County (Scottsville) areas.

Reeves family. A good place to start is the history of the Reeves family name, and you will learn that the name has been around for at least a thousand years, which is about as old as some of us are.
The next place you might want to venture is the mini-description of Warren County, Kentucky. The family arrived there about 1816 and has squatted and lived there ever since.
Ewing family. The Ewing family is a little different, and there is less information about it. It did reside in Allen County, Kentucky, for a while, but how it got there is less certain. "Ewing," though, is Scottish. Visit the Ewing family name to learn a little about your Scottish heritage.
Just below is a chart showing the first few generations of the Reeves Family and the Ewing family, starting with:
Doile Dennis Reeves and Johnnie Ethel Basham
and with
Lacy Leroy Ewing and Nannie Maude Spears.
Once you get started, you can access other ancestors of the same family by using the buttons on the left. Before you go there, however, you might want to ask yourself a couple of questions:
Which one of your ancestors helped to form Allen County? Click here to find out.

Which one of your ancestors taught George Washington surveying? Find out here.

Which one of your ancestors explored Kentucky with Daniel Boone? Click the picture and see.

Closing note: I have tried to ensure the information contained here is accurate but cannot guarantee it. If you find errors, you do not get your money back. Instead, I would appreciate your doing two things: (1) sending me the information you believe is correct and (2) joining me in finding someone else to blame.
Reeves Family Ancestors
Fourth Generation
James H. Reeves
Sarah Ann Runner
Next generation above
John V. Price
Sarah E. Conn
Next generation above
James Herrod Basham
Mary Ann (Polly) Phelps
Next generation above
George W. Miller
Eliza Carolyn Pharis
Next generation above
Third Generation
George Webster Reeves
Allie Elizabeth Price
John J. Basham
Ada C. Miller
Doile Dennis Reeves
Johnnie Ethel Basham
Ewing Family Ancestors
Fourth Generation
John Alexander Ewing
Mary F. Warder
Next generation above
John Scott Godley
Amanda M. Fitzallen
Next generation above
Chas. Thompson Spears
Melisa Ann Boucher
Next generation above
John Moore Smith
Mary Elizabeth Conyers
Next generation above
Third Generation
John Henry Ewing
Mary Scott Godley
Edward Franklin Spears
Laura Francis Smith
Second Generation
Lacy Leroy Ewing
Nannie Maude Spears
First Generation