Ewing Family Name

Ewing is a Scottish name it refers to the Clan MacEwen, and 'MacEwen' means the son of Ewen. The earliest known "Ewing" was Ewen of Otter, who lived on the shores of Loch Fyne in Argyll in about 1200.

The Ewing name is Scottish and is a variation of the name MacEwen ('son of Ewen'). The MacEwen's are from western Scotland, on the River Forth, near Sterling Castle. The castle, in turn, is near Loch Lomond, just north of the industrial city of Glasgow.

Numerous alternative spellings are used by the clan, including the Gaelic, MacEoghainn.

In 1432 the Barony of Otter was granted to Sween MacEwen by James I, with the remainder to the heir of Duncan Campbell of Loch Aure. After that, clan Ewen was without chief and homeland, appearing only as dependants of the Campbells or as broken (clanless) men. In 1602, an Act of Parliament listed them alongside MacLachlan and McNeils, as vassals of the Earl of Argyll, who was answerable for their behavior.

During the mid-1600s, there was great religious persecution of the Protestants in Scotland. According to tradition, the Ewing family of America traces its origin to six brothers of a Highland clan, who, with their chieftain, engaged in insurrection in 1685. They were defeated, their chieftain captured and executed, and outlawed.

The outlawed brothers moved to Northern Ireland. On July 12, 1690, they fought again, this time in the Battle of the Boyne in Eastern Ireland. In this battle, King James II was opposed by William of Orange, who was fighting for the Irish Protestants. This battle resulted in the complete overthrow of James, thus forcing his abdication of the throne and establishing the rule of William and Mary.

These brothers may have been named John Ewing of Carnshanagh; Robert Ewing, father of Alexander; Findley (Finley) Ewing, father of Thomas; James Ewing of Inch Island; William Ewing, father of Nathaniel; and possibly Alexander Ewing.